Step 1: You need to download an Android emulator called Bluestacks. You can download it from here.
Step 2: Once you have downloaded and installed Bluestacks, you need to run it and let it load. There are
sometimes bluestacks errors for various reasons that you might have to go through.
Step 3: On the Bluestacks landing page (home page) you will see a search icon. Click on the search icon and a new dialog box will come.
Step 4: Enter Shazam in the dialog box and let it search for it. Once the search completes, just download from any of the stores. Remember there is only 1 free version of this app. Everything else requires you to pay for it. It costs about USD 5 to purchase it.
Step 5: The download process will shortly end and it will launch the installation of Shazam.
Step 6: When you see the message that Shazam has been installed, you can start using Shazam on PC.